Re: RARA-AVIS: Booth, Spade, etc.
Die Pool (
Fri, 22 May 1998 17:01:52 EDT
This may have been discussed before but since I'm a newbie,
I'll risk the
wrath of those who have spoken before. Gordon Van Gelder,
editor over at St
Martin's, was kind enough to send over review copies of two
novels by J. S.
Russell, an author, I gather, who has written primarily in the
horror field
before these two novels, "Celestial Dogs" and "Burning Bright".
The jackets
have raves comparing Russell to (as memory serves) Philip
Marlowe and Dashiell
Hammett. Two-thirds of the way through the Celestial Dogs
though, I'd compare
him to Dan Simmons or Michael Slade, a lot of horror elements
with a
smattering of crime and mystery. Very good mix at that, so far.
Anyone out
there given this guy a try?
Peter Enfantino
Deadline Press
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