: Hmmmm....just saw L.A. Confidential. Read the book years
ago, and
: after going through Nocturnes, I was really looking forward
to the
: film version. Gee, these guys were almost likable. While I
: the film, it was hardly the blast I'd been expecting.
I liked it more than you did, but not as much as most people
I talked
to. They all raved about it, but I kept saying, "You know,
you should
really read the books, there's a lot more to it all, and
Ellroy's one
the greatest living American writers." They'd nod to keep me
but they had no intention of buying the books. Too bad.
Still, I'd say it was much better than most Hollywood films
days. Good acting, cast, writing, direction, art
cinematography, everything.
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "Let's keep the party polite."
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