RARA-AVIS: Ellroy's World

Bill Hagen (billha@ionet.net)
Sun, 17 May 1998 19:24:32 -0500 (CDT) Let me repeat a question that was buried in a posting on _Hollywood Nocturnes__.
For those who have read the Ellroy ouvre, espec. the L.A. Quartet and
related short stories:
Given the apparently thorough historical research behind his
novels, does Ellroy also keep track of his characters and their stories as
he moves them from fiction to fiction, so that a given character (Loew, or
Blanchard, or Meeks) has a consistent career? Wm. Faulkner, for instance,
worked at building his fictional world, with family histories (Snopes,
Sartoris) threading, more or less consistently through many fictions. Is
Ellroy taking that kind of care?

I ask because I am impressed by the sheer scope of what he is doing, and
want to be even more impressed.

Bill Hagen

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