>I just picked up THE BRIDE WORE BLACK from a used
bookstore this past
>weekend. The introduction informed me that Truffaut
had filmed this book in
>1967 with Jeanne Moreau. Has anyone seen this movie?
Comments? Is it
>available on video?
As others have noted, Truffaut's film is very good but quite
different from
Woolrich's novel. The difference is not so much in plot
points, although
Truffaut did change a good many very important ones (such as
the original
action that sets the movie going, which is very startling to
those who have
read the book). The difference is much more in the tone.
Woolrich's story
is very much in the pulp-adventure tradition, with a lone
protaganist (in
this case, as so often in Woolrich's work, a woman) trying to
reach some
level of sanity in a cruel and unjust world, where, in this
case, wrongs go
unpunished and the just are harried and attacked. Truffaut is
much more
optimistic and good-natured, so that even a film based on
mass revenge has a
certain surprising charm to it. Both versions of the story
are quite
interesting and edifying.
Best w's,
S.T. Karnick
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