Re: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy's "Contino"

William Denton (
Tue, 5 May 1998 22:50:54 -0400 (EDT) On Wed, 6 May 1998, Ned Fleming wrote:

: > Back to Ellroy, I think the purest way to 'get' him is to hear him
: > read it.
: I couldn't agree more.

I haven't had the chance to see him in person, but I did see a
one-hour TV thing on him and his mother's death. I think a British TV
network did it, pre-_My Dark Places_. I taped it, but had some other
stuff on the tape, lent it to someone, and haven't been able to get it
back yet.

Memorable man. I got the feeling that if he was right in front of me
and started ranting, I'd either be hypnotized or run away screaming.
I can't remember if the show had any clips of him reading, but I can
imagine it'd be quite a performance. Too bad he hasn't done any

On another note, I saw a short documentary on Elmore Leonard a few
months back. Seems like a nice guy, pretty quiet. Did people know he
has a researcher who does a lot of his leg work and all his prep work?


William Denton | Toronto, Canada | | Caveat lector.
            "Let's keep the party polite."

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