RARA-AVIS: Road To Perdition

Bax Deal (BaxDeal@aol.com)
Fri, 1 May 1998 15:01:44 EDT the prolific Max Allan Collins has written a terrific, just published graphic
novel about a small boy whose father is a button man for a prohibition
gangster. the boy idolizes his pop, doesn't know what he does for a living,
secretly tags along while dad goes on a job with the gangster's psychotic son.
don't want to reveal more of the plot, but it involves Al Capone, Frank Nitti
and Elliot Ness. illustrated in ultra-realistic, searing detail by Richard
Piers Rayner, who took 4 years to finish the job. work done at this level of
accomplishment demonstrates that the graphic novel is the format where hard
boiled crime fiction and film noir meet. published by Paradox Graphic
Mysteries in trade paperback. cover price is $13.95 U.S., $19.95 Canadian.
gotta love that exchange rate, hmm? every single person who subscibes to this
list will probably enjoy Road To Perdition. just thought I'd share.

John Lau
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