By no means did I mean that the two drugs are the same, but
rather the
allusion is a marketing gimmick to make people think they're
getting the
real thing. On decongestants: I took pseudoephedrine
(sudafed) to be
something of a stimulant--that ephedrine is also in the
chinese herb
mahuang (sp?), brewed for colds, which was incorporated into
some of the
smart drugs the kids were taking before they were banned in
the last few
years (under names such as "herbal ecstasy"). Also, since
we're just
getting our hard-boiled drug facts straight for
versimilitude, could you
comment on using stimulants to counter heroin and other
overdoses. Do people do this? What do they do in hospitals?
aren't benzodiazapines (sp?) used to counter ill effects of
speed or
other drugs? While we're on the subject, what's in a Mickey
Finn. When
Marlowe is getting drugged in Chandler books is it just
morphine, or
some other noxious substance. Thanks for the expert
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