RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS "Fallen Angels"

Anthony Smith (ansmith@netdoor.com)
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:54:13 -0500 > The first series of "Fallen Angels" was released on video, and is still
> available in some of the better rental stores--get it, and be sure to
> see Tom Hanks' fantastic adaptation of Chandler's "I'll Be Waiting,"
> where he also plays a perfectly creepy villian. Showtime has never
> released the second series, and that's a real shame; did anyone on the
> list record them when they were first on?

Were there two tapes in the first series? I rented one of two that I saw
at a vid store, with Ellroy's short, starring Gary Busey (I think). It
wasn't too good. It didn't "feel" like an Ellroy. Also, saw a Woolrich
piece with Laura Dern that also didn't strike me as very good. Maybe I
checked out the wrong tape...

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