RARA-AVIS: Robert Skinner and the Explicator

Frank D (bearlodge@email.msn.com)
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:16:32 -0700 Hi, Gang,

A couple of days ago I asked about Robert Skinner's THE HARD-BOILED
EXPLICATOR. Somebody (thank you) forwarded my message to Mr. Skinner and he
responded to me. Below is the greater part of his message to me. Thanks
also to Ed Duggan who answered my question.

I should mention that I read BLOOD RED, SKIN DEEP by Mr. Skinner a couple of
months ago and thought it was a terrific book. He has only one other novel,
I believe. The setting is New Orleans and the time the 40s. I hope we can
look forward to more novels from this writer.

>>Dear Frank,

A friend slipped me your message about The Hard-Boiled Explicator.

It was the first book I did, and I sometimes look at it and am overwhelmed
with embarrassment--I thought I knew what I was doing, but I had a lot to
learn.. I queried Scarecrow many years ago to ask if they'd like to do an
updated edition, but they passed (doubtless because you can only sell so
many bibliographies--only libraries buy 'em).

I imagine there must be some other, newer work that augments and
updates that book--if not, I can't imagine why. Hammett, Chandler, and
Macdonald will still be with us long after a lot of the others are dead
and gone.

Bob Skinner>>

I thought I'd just pass this along. Mr. Skinner was nice enough to respond
and I wanted to share that with all of you.


Frank D.

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