RARA-AVIS: intro

Zach Bender (zach_bender@juno.com)
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 02:07:11 EST new subscriber.

occasional reader of detective fiction. most recently read ellroy's
_white jazz_. before that was probably whathisname's _miami blues_ or
the parker takeoff on chandler's _poodle springs_. oh, yeah, and _roger
rabbit_ and mailer's _tough guys don't dance_. i would also include
didion's _democracy_ and _book of common prayer_, though i suppose most
subscribers to this list would consider these pretty far afield (haven't
read the most recent didion yet).

but beyond that, my taste generally runs to philip roth, etc. (some
subscribers might actually enjoy _operation shylock_ for twistedness,
though it is by no means hard-boiled.) got my m.a. in english reading
forster and woolf.


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