Re: RARA-AVIS: The Maltese Falcon: 'stuss games'

K. Harper (
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 11:51:04 -0500 Eddie Duggan wrote:

>Rara-avians, Kathy,
>Can anyone help---(I'm sure this has come up before but I can't find it
>in the rara-avis archives)---I've been asked what are the 'stuss games'
>Polhaus refers to in his resume of Thursby's career:

Stuss is a fast-paced variety of faro, but that's really all I know about
it. Damon Runyon frequently works the game into his stories, and suggests
that players came to the games with their pockets stuffed with money--the
perfect environment for hijackers like Thursby.

Sorry I can't be more specific!



Katherine Harper
Department of English
Bowling Green State University
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