Re: RARA-AVIS: Noir humor

James Rogers (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:05:59 -0600 (CST) At 05:31 PM 2/24/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Of course, on the parody/pastiche subject, I have to add my favorite,
>The Firesign Theater's "Nick Danger, Third Eye." A typical line from
>this take-off on a '40s hardboiled radio series:
>Nick Danger (narrating): It had been snowing ever since the top of the
>page, and I had to shake the cornstarch off my mukluks.

My favorite: a narrated piece called "I Am The Big Shot" by the
Bonzo Dog Band. it had the line -

"Got a light mac?"
" No, but I have a light brown overcoat"

James Michael Rogers

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