RARA-AVIS: Over-rated?

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@total.net)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 10:39:19 -0500 On the subject of over-rated writers: James Crumley. I don't know if
there's a conspiracy or not, but, while I really enjoy his books
(particularly The Last Good Kiss and The Wrong Kiss), I've found his last
few books alternately fascinating and tiresome. Some really "good stuff"
separated by pointless, disjointed roadtrips, both literally and

Not that he's a "bad" writer (neither was Macdonald), but I find his plots
often lack drive or focus. Then again, given Milo and C.W.'s taste for
pills, booze, coke, and other goodies, maybe this is intentional.

I think part of this is the genre's desparate need for a new poster boy,
one that will appeal to the "literary" establishment, and therefore
validate our particular literary choice. Look what's happened in the last
few years, with the critical huzzahs bestowed on people like Robert Parker,
Walter Mosely,Elmore Leonard (or Quentin Tarantino, for that matter).
Nobody could ever live up to the hype. No wonder the backlash sets in.

Meanwhile, "genre" writers are routinely ignored by the critical
establishment. Which, in the end, may be their saving grace. They may not
move as many books off the paperback racks in the drugstores and bus
stations, but they aren't constantly vilified and attacked, not for their
work, but often for their success or their perceived pretensions.

I'm sorry. Am I making sense?

But I digress...

Kevin Smith
Web Guy for The Thrilling Detective Web Site
For info, mailto:kvnsmith@total.net

"Everybody loves a loser,
They wanna see him pay his dues,
Everybody loves a loser,
But they don't wanna stand in his shoes."
-Murray McLauchlan

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