Re: RARA-AVIS: Willeford vs. Leonard

William Denton (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 00:23:43 -0500 (EST) On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Christian Doellner wrote:

: Hmmm? And how does one get their greedy mitts on this niffty
: unpublished gem? I've heard diffrent accounts of the history of the
: last Moseley novel. Anyone, want to set the record straight?

Willeford wrote _Grimhaven_ after _Miami Blues_. His publishers wanted
more Hoke Mosley, but he didn't want to "turn into a girdle factory,"
I think the phrase was. The thought of a continuing series didn't
appeal to him, so he wrote a sequel he knew wouldn't be published.
Then, I think, his publishers and perhaps his wife worked on him a
little and he did do some more Hoke books. Samizdat copies of
_Grimhaven_ do float around here and there, and a few people on the
list have read it. It is one damned depressing book.


William Denton | Toronto, Canada | | Caveat lector.
  "It is better to incur a mild rebuke than to perform an onerous task."
                                   -- "Uncle" Oswald Hendryks Cornelius

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