Re: RARA-AVIS: The Killer Inside Me
Roger Dowdy (
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 17:08:07 -0500
William Denton wrote:
> 1. In chapter four, Lou says he can't get Amy pregnant
because he'd
> had a vasectomy. When asked why, he says,
> "Oh, I was kind of run down and nervous, and he
> father] thought--"
> "Why, you were not! You were never that way!" [says
> "Well," I said, "he thought I was."
> I must be missing something here. Why would a vasectomy
be performed
> for someone who was tired and on edge? Is the
suggestion that he was
> some kind of non-stop masturbator?
I got the impression (from other parts of the book) that his
father knew he was mentally
disturbed and possible dangerous and thought it would be
better for society if Lou
didn't breed.
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