RARA-AVIS: Jonathan Latimer bibliography

William Denton (buff@vex.net)
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 21:52:39 -0500 (EST) Hi,

I put together a biblio of Jonathan Latimer tonight. It's at

<URL: http://www.vex.net/~buff/rara-avis/biblio/latimer.html>

Only nine books, but he did a lot of screenplays. Corrections and
additions welcome.

If there's anyone on the list without web access, let me know. I can
look into making these things available through mail.


William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector.
  "It is better to incur a mild rebuke than to perform an onerous task."
                                   -- "Uncle" Oswald Hendryks Cornelius

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