Michael D. Sharp Email: msharp@umich.edu
Department of English Lang. and Lit. Phone: (313)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Fax: (313) 763-3128
On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, SYNEFROG wrote:
> pretty well put...and just curious: how do they, or
have they, reacted to Nick
> Hornby's High Fidelity...(granted, it has nothing to
do with hard-boiled/noir)
> or to Andrew Vaschss???..i'm curious because some
french kids in my family
> that i saw at christmas in lyon loved both (they read
hornby in english and
> vaschss in french translation)...they were in 12th
grade high school...
> when is your class? and how long does it go (until
march?) ...because i would
> love to 'go back to school' for an hour or two
sometimes if my crazy schedule
> allows me to...and if that would be ok with you (i
used to teach french in
> romance lang. dpt. in 73-74) and i'm still very good
friend with many in the
> anthro dpt....
> merci in advance for any info
> steve novak
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