I agree that the Nick Stefanos books are not hardboiled in
the classic
sense. In my opinion, they have hardboiled characteristics,
notably the
lone outsider moving within, around, and against a corrupt
system. I enjoy
the descriptions of the seemier edge of society, and find the
entertaining (although if he says "I left ten on five" one
more time...). I
think he's overplayed the drinking angle -- the quantities
consumed grow
more unbelievable with each book.
I don't find Nick to be all that *sensitive* -- just
hungover. (By the way,
is *sensitive* a reference to an earlier thread?)
All in all, I guess what I should have said is simply that I
enjoy Pellecanos.
I will be much more cautious about my use of terminology in
future. I
realize that language can be a highly charged issue,
especially amongst
those who actually appreciate it.
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