RARA-AVIS: The Wasteland

Gary Warren Niebuhr (piesbook@execpc.com)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 20:47:12 -0800 >A few years ago (c. 1991) Penguin published a comic-book version of TS
>'The Wasteland.' A strange enough choice for a comic book, but even
>was that it had been made into a hard-boiled narrative complete with a PI
>called Marlow (or Marlowe). Did anyone else on the list ever read this,
or is
>my memory playing extremely unkind tricks on me?

This graphic novel was published in 1990 by Harper & Row Perennial Library.
The author is Martin Rowson who evidently did both the art work and the
text. The detective, Chris Marlowe, is a combination of Chandler and
Hammett-style detectives. The world he inhabits is filled with characters
from literature and film, tarot card symbols, foreign languages and poetic
verse. I think well educated academic types might understand it all, but I
would be lying to say that I did. The storyline is that Marlowe must search
for a cup after his partner Miles Fisher is murdered. Recommended for the

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