Re: RARA-AVIS: MacDonald and Connelly

James & Livia Reasoner (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 21:41:49 -0600 Greg Swan wrote:

> I read The Drowning Pool last November. I've been on a noir crime novel
> kick for quite a few months and have been sampling lots of authors:
> Highsmith, Whittington, Rabe, Willeford, Chandler, Pellecanos, Ellroy,
> Leonard, Vachss, Carter Brown(!), Fredric Brown, Daly, Thompson, Gault,
> Nielsen, Cain, Fisher, Marlowe, Spillane, Williams, Ross MacDonald.

Nothing wrong with Carter Brown (though I suspect I'm in the minority on
this list with that opinion). His books are what they are: fast, pulpy
reads, and at their best, pretty darn funny in places. And I could swear
that several years ago, I read somewhere that Robert Silverberg ghosted
some of the Carter Brown novels. Has anybody else ever heard that rumor,
or is my memory completely shot?

I'm about halfway through _The Drowning Pool_, and while I'm enjoying it, I
have to admit that it's not as good as I remember from my reading of it in
the Sixties. Archer seems to be trying too hard to be Philip Marlowe.
However, MacDonald does a very good job of conveying a sense of place.

James Reasoner

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