RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled Webring (?) & Hammer Question

Paul m Ulucci (hardboiled@juno.com)
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 13:33:45 -0500 Hello all! Happy Holidays!
Sorry I've been non-existent but these last few months have been
hell. I know that owe some of you links, please e-mail me at
paul@bdol.com to remind me of them ASAP because I'm putting
the page back up shortly. Sorry for the delay.

Next, I'm about to create a HARDBOILED WEBRING. Would anyone
be interested? If I get 2 people to give me the okay I will
start it ASAP. The address is www.webring.org to join. I just
figured that it would be easier to just put all of our sites on
a big loop instead of massive links (which we will probably
do and keep anyway). I'll probably name it HARDBOILED / MYSTERY

When you write back to me please let me know what you prefer.
Which ever gets the most votes gets created.

Lastly, I've heard some grumblings about the New Mike Hammer
series. Has anyone seen it? And does anyone know if it's in
Rhode Island yet?

Thanks! Paul
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