Re: RE: RARA-AVIS: HB's Western Cousin: Part 3/Sam Spade
Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:13:02 EST
thanks duane...i think now that i read some of his stuff when i
was in
school...which is in fact many years ago at U of Michigan,
because there was a
lot of stuff on popular culture coming out on Bowling Green late
70's and i believe one of my very good friends for a million
year Conrad
Kottak , an anthropologist at U of M-even chairman now!!!-
dealt heavily with
popular cult. and mentioned his name i believe...i'll try to
gather more stuff
around me but it's pretty hard to follow up because i travel so
much for my
job in the advertising world...
merci again though...
Joyeux Noel
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