RARA-AVIS: One More Falcon Query

Bill Hagen (billha@ionet.net)
Sat, 13 Dec 1997 14:46:54 -0600 (CST) Hard to let the black bird go, a week later.

Browsed through Eddie Duggan's Falcon site recently--nice work there--and
noticed a disagreement with something Peter Wolfe said in Beams Falling:
The Art of Dashiell Hammett, which reminded me that I too always find Wolfe
interesting. Looked him up on Falcon and was a bit surprised to see that,
according to him, Spade knows that Brigid murdered Miles Archer by Chapter
6! He delays doing anything about it because he loves her, and wants to
give her a chance to commit to him. In other words, when he says "You're
good. You're very good," he knows fully what she is. The Flitcraft story,
then, is to warn her that he is a professional, and will carry through, but
even more a reminder to himself of what he should do. So says Wolfe.

He knows by Chapter 6? There's the undrawn revolver, but given what seems
to be a rather breezy confidence in Miles, one doesn't imagine it would
take that much to plug him with his gun down... Appreciate others'
thoughts; am willing to admit that perhaps I don't read carefully enough.

Bill Hagen

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