RE: RARA-AVIS: the black bird

Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:59:37 -0500 With reference to Prof. Zackel on Joel Cairo:
The literary geneology seems plausible, though I would be interested in
hearing about such figures from popular and more contemporaneous
literature. Also, Cairo, if I remember correctly, is referrred to as a
figure from "the Levant." American attitudes toward this region might
illuminate Cairo as well (perhaps along the lines of Edward Said's
"orientalism" or some such).

Doug Levin

>From: Frederick Zackel[]
>Sent: Friday, December 05, 1997 8:20 AM
> Cairo, who may be "the Dandy", a figure which begins with Poe's
>Rue Morgue, goes to Baudeliare (read his poem "Comes thr charming
>Evening" for a marvelous view of Parisian mean streets), then back to
>London, where it splits into two threads: Oscar Wilde and Sherlock Holmes,
>then on to Pound...
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