>>First, Radio Spirits sells replicas of the Maltese
Falcon. Looks like
>>the one in the movie, near as I can remember it,
and it's a foot high
>>and weighs five and a half pounds. It sells for US
$39.98. You can
>>call them at 1-800-723-4648 or write them at P.O.
Box 2141, Schiller
>>Park, Illinois, 60176, USA. I have no connection
to them at all, in
>>fact I haven't bought anything from them, but it
seemed appropriate to
>I have one of these that I carry to the talks I give
on the mystery. Once,
>after the slide show/talk on the history of the
mystery was over (and THE
>MALTESE FALCON was featured), one of the questions was
"why did you bring
>your eagle?"
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