: I just recently watched The Maltese Falcon and when I
started to
: read the novel, I was struck by how close the movie
: followed the dialogue in the novel. Am I correct or under
: misconception?
You are correct, sir. The story I've seen is that Huston
wanted to
make a movie of the book, and gave a copy to his secretary to
type up
in screenplay form so that they could use it as a first
However, when he saw it, he decided it would do fine pretty
much as it
I have an essay I did for a third-year film studies course
about here, about differences between the book and the movie.
thought it was a masterpiece, but the prof only gave it a
-- William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector. "It is better to incur a mild rebuke than to perform an onerous task." -- "Uncle" Oswald Hendryks Cornelius
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