RARA-AVIS: John's grill

Frederick Zackel (fzackel@bgnet.bgsu.edu)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 16:18:09 -0500 (EST) Aloha from the cornfields,

I decloak to proclaim John's Grill (at Powell & Ellis) as one of the
best-kept secrets in San Francisco. Spade eats there before he heads into
the final fray; as I recall, lamb chops and fresh tomato slices. My wife
and I love the joint. Dark paneling, deep booths, plenty of mirrors to
watch out for what's behind you... And the scallops are to die for.
Great martinis, too.

Upstairs is decked out in Hammett memorabilia; scenes from the three
flicks, posters, a black bird, etc. That's more of a meeting room.

You are a half-block from the cable cars, two blocks downhill from Union
Square, and around the block from Market street. (A halfblock up Powell
at a hotel whose name now escapes me is a saloon, whose basement is an
actual Prohibition-era speakeasy. Many the nights, yes, many indeed, that
I and my disreputable friends (god, to be with them again!) did sodden
our ways long past last call under the streets of San francisco--drinking
single malt scotches, hundred dollar cognacs, and assorted other tastes.

On a foggy night in Old San Francisco...my heart remains.

Frederick Zackel

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