I don't know if Fredric Brown is in print in England (or if
he is, which
titles are available). But how did you get 25 students to
sign up for a
hardboiled course? Did you sap them, roscoe-slap them, or
just threaten
them with taking away their licenses?
If you are curious about their offerings, No Exit Press has a
web site
whose bookmark I can't find at the moment (a search will give
it to you
in a snap). They have republished a lot of interesting
material from the
old days, including Raoul Whitfield's three novels, Paul
Cain's two
books, and works by Latimer and Gault, as well as many more
recent and
excellent hardboiled novels. Allison and Busby also has a
collection of reprints. And there are other reprint houses,
about which
I can't report off the top of my head (my library is only
Regards, and good luck in your course.
Mario Taboada
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