Re: RARA-AVIS: Didier Daeninckx

Marcel Bernadac (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 18:27:40 +0200 >....., I have never understood exactly what "le der des ders" refers to.=
>any of you French speakers know?

"Der" is an abbrevation for dernier (last). The action of the story take
place in Paris after the first World War, which was named "la der des der=
(la der(ni=E8re) des der(ni=E8re)s").
Daeninckx' title *le* der des ders is an implicit reference to this name=
le der des ders is obviously the gassed soldier (by yperite) who is dyin=
in a sanatarium and who is the last to know the truth about the shameful
behaviour of the well-known colonel on the battle front.

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