You wrote:
> An indepent, non-involved viewpoint: You did indeed,
and still do, imply
> that the book should be sold cheaply because you
don't want to pay for it or
> go to the library. Whatever it is you do for a
living, I doubt you would do
> it for free for the next six months so that others
can benefit from your
> work without your getting paid. And we are NOT
talking a lot of money here
> for a reference work. The price is less than the cost
of dining out for a meal.
No, I didn't imply, you inferred. I never said the book
should be sold
cheaply-it couldn't, due to its size (that sucker's big!) and
the small
press run. I was merely suggesting an alternative means of
If I went to a library to look up something in it, assuming
of course
that I find a well-stocked enough library that has it, how
much do you
think Hubin gets paid? On the other hand, if I paid a small
fee to have
access to a web site (the porno sites do it all the time),
Hubin would
actually receive something. And many more people would have
access to
Mr. Hubin's fine work. You can bet most of that $200 smackers
goes to
the publishers, not Mr. Hubin. I personally couldn't afford
that much,
and travelling to a library that does have a copy is a bit of
a haul.
Oh, and $200 is less than the cost of dining out? I wanna go
out with
you for dinner. Your treat, of course.
Cheaply yours,
Kevin Smith
The Thrilling (no-charge) Detective Web Site
P.S. Hey! Total Security isn't on! Has it been canned?
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