RARA-AVIS: Re:Hardboiled writers: do they make a living?

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@total.net)
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 09:50:26 -0400 I guess the old MWA saw still holds:

Crime doesn't pay...enough!

It seems there was a thread on this a while back in rec.arts.mystery,
where (I think) Robert Randisi listed several good writers who seemed to
have been dropped by their publishers in the last few years, or simply
decided to pull the plug for other reasons. The body count included
(it's been a while so I may be wrong, here) Rob Kantner, Stephen
Greenleaf, Jerome Doolittle and Benjamin Schutz, all of whom are medium
level (in terms of success), writers, but damn fine writers,
nonetheless. If any of these guys are still slugging away, gee, let us
know, and I'm so glad I was wrong.

Kevin Smith
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