RARA-AVIS: Cimarron rose
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 20:53:36 -0400 (EDT)
A few weeks ago, there was one person of this group, I think it
James Reasoner, (sorry if spelled wrong) who protested against
rose's use of geography and language. He also said that he read
20-50 pages
of it. (I don't remember the exact number.) All I half to say
about that is,
stick with it.
Yes, I know some of the language is not correct.
The geography is very poor.
But the novel itself is extremely interesting. The character,
Bob, develops some character flaws, which make him more
insteresting, and
Garlan T Moon turns into a character that would be the
equivalent of the
offender in John D MacDonald's Cape Fear. The book ends well
and some of the
clunky things are explained.
But if you went ahead already and read the book, just forget
In wrote
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