RARA-AVIS: Henry / Frank Kane

Frank Glenewinkel (Frank.Glenewinkel@Uni-Koeln.DE)
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 08:25:39 +0000 Thanks to James Reasoner for the most interesting details about Mike
Amongst other writers James mentioned Henry Kane and Frank Kane.
Where these really two different writers?
I am not sure where I have heard it but I was somehow under the
impression that it were two pseudonyms for a single ghostwriter.

Frank Glenewinkel
Dr. Frank Glenewinkel
Institut fuer Rechtsmedizin
der Universitaet Koeln
Melatenguertel 60-62
50823 Koeln (Germany)
Tel. ++49 221 478 4274
++49 221 478 4252
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