Re: RARA-AVIS: Black Lizard Anthology
Mari Hall (
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 08:42:42 -0500
James & Livia Reasoner wrote:
> ----------
> Mari Hall wrote:
> > Don't count on it. James Reasoner is still
writing, but mostly work for
> > hire in the Western historical vein with his wife
under lots of names.
> > His best story (I'll get the name for you) was in
a vampire collection
> > and was about the cow going to the butcher and
then there was the one
> > about the gay-troup of vets at the Alamo. I
thought they were a hoot,
> > but I have a weird sense of humour. His classic
novel, long of out print
> > and expensive as a gold when you can find it, is
TEXAS WIND, which took
> > place in Fort Worth where he turned a city map
over and upside down and
> > had everyone driving all over town looking for the
sites in the book.
> > He also edited the Mike Shayne magazine at one
time. I have an interview
> > if anyone is interested (wait until I learn how to
scan in and link,
> > etc) which is really very short (only a page). He
also did a series
> > featuring a Western Judge who was a former stage
coach guard who became
> > a lawyer then a judge. Only two in the series that
were very good.
> Mari, I'm afraid you've got me mixed up with Scott
Cupp. I know he wrote
> the Alamo story, and the other one sounds like it's
probably his, too.
> _Texas Wind_ is mine, of course, and all the scenes in
the book (with one
> exception) take place in real locations. I wrote Mike
Shayne stories but
> never had anything to do with the editing of the
magazine. And there were
> three books in the Judge Earl Stark series (_Stark's
Justice_, _The
> Hawthorne Legacy_, and _The Diablo Grant_).
> I still write some books under pseudonyms but am
publishing more under my
> name these days. Berkley is publishing a World War I
novel of mine next
> year that I like a great deal. There are also a couple
of new short story
> collaborations with Livia (one mystery, one fantasy)
coming out sometime,
> but I don't have pub dates on them yet, as well as
several reprints.
> Best,
> James Reasoner
> #
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Shoot, I engaged fingers before brain again! Sorry, but you
know what a
fan I am of both you and Livia! Good to see you here. When are
some more
Judge Stark coming out??? I love that series and it is a
re-read for me,
something I don't do often. Maybe since you do work for hire, I
just "hire" you to keep in Judge Stark books?? Could I afford
Probably, because you wouldn't have to put up with an
>From Mari Hall
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