RARA-AVIS: Re: Please take him off

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@total.net)
Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:17:45 +0000 > > I've never seen a list devoted to the ostensible study of hardboiled
> > mysteries made up of softer people. You're all a bunch of bloated, self
> > important, would be-critics. There isn't a single one of you that I'd
> > want to watch my back down some dark alley. Why don't you guys just go
> > out and collectively get a life. Or write your own books instead of
> > living like a school of cyber guardfish off the works of others.

And I imagine he needs someone to watch his back when he walks down some
dark alley, if he treats people like this. Now, I'm sure we're all going
to rush out and buy his book, right?

Anyway, I'm new to the list and I just got my first digest. Hopefully,
things will pick up. So here's a topic. What did you folks think of The
Two Jakes. I just rewatched it (well, most of it-the tape died) and I
thought it was great. If Chinatown was all Hammett and Chandler swirled
around, Jakes was all Ross Macdonald family crimes of the past
corrupting the present. Alone, The Two Jakes wouldn't be great, but as a
sequel to Chinatown, possibly the only great one-two punch in film noir.
Disagree? Tell me!

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