Re: RARA-AVIS: Marxist in the third person narrative

Dan Sontup (
Sat, 02 Aug 1997 14:57:05 -0700 Jiro Kimura wrote:

> Of course, you should write how characters feel only by their actions and
> talkings, not by getting into their brains . . .
> These days, so-called "hardboiled" gumshoes talk too much, brood too much,
> express their feelings too much, and justify or rationalize their actions
> too much--to pad books? I know they have feelings but please don't say it,
> just act it out and let readers think how they feel.

Amen, Jiro. That's exactly how I feel about handling characters, especially in
hard-boiled stories. I try in my own writing to let the reader connect with
how the character feels through dialogue and action -- it's much more effective
that way. It evokes a much more powerful response in the reader if the reader
can sense, let's say, the character's anger rather have the author spell it out
through interior monologue. Of course, interior monologue does have it's uses
in fiction; the skill is in knowing where and when to use it. Easier said then
done, as I well know.

Best wishes -- Dan

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