Re: RARA-AVIS: Enough, already!

michael david sharp (
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 10:09:30 -0400 (EDT) Two things before I run out the door to Pennsylvania (helping a friend

A. Chandler (as I've said before), while not a professor, was totally

B. He also certainly had a sense of "class consciousness" (which doesn't
make him Marxist, though I don't dismiss out of hand all Marxist-seeming
points of view). Please read "The Simple Art of Murder" to see what I
mean. You can be a fan (i.e. like the stories for the entertainment value)
and be analytical, even intellectual. They are not mutually exclusive. So
perhaps it's possible to offer your opinions/interpretations w/o
denigrating those of others. Don't like what you read? Hit delete.

ps Adrian calls Craig's writing "misogynist." Is that an inappropriately
"academic" assertion?

Michael D. Sharp, Dept. of English, University of Michigan

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Dan Sontup wrote:

> Sorry, Fred. I had not meant to offend by my "PhD" remark. Guess I got
> carried away a little there trying to make my point. Speaking as both a
> writer and reader of hard-boiled fiction, I must admit that I never
> delved too deeply into any moralistic distinctions or class
> consciousness, etc. But that's only my way (although, as I said, I had
> not heard this sort of talk from other writers "way back then"). I, too,
> want only friendly discussions here, and look forward to many more of
> them.
> Best wishes to all -- Dan
> #
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