RARA-AVIS: Enough, already!
Dan Sontup (EQ451@ix.netcom.com)
Thu, 31 Jul 1997 22:21:47 -0700
Funny, but back when I was writing pulp stories, many of them
hard-boiled, and also reading this genre and enjoying movies of
this type,
as well as knowing a couple of the writers featured in the book
we had
under discussion before the unfortuate hard disk crash -- way
back then, I
don't recall any of us talking about these stories in terms of
philosophy or any other weighty social implications. A rousing
action-packed yarn with believable characters and a hard edge
to the
narration was what was most on our minds then. When and where
did all this
PhD jargon about the hard-boiled genre get started, and why is
it being
perpetuated now -- and by whom? C'mon, guys, give us a break!
Do we
really need all this academic poking and probing and
exploration? Why not just enjoy the stories as such?
Best wishes to all -- Dan
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