
RE: RARA-AVIS: Group Reading

>hardboiled@juno.com[SMTP:hardboiled@juno.com] wrote:
>>>There's alot of material out there and if one
(or a few ) authors eventually come out as the creme de la creme' . .

Or, creme de la crime. . .
>>>then we could process the whole series (as long as it is not an
>extremely long series. That might bog down the list. We could 
>just spilt up into small groups and do it while still reading the
>list's monthly book. A Spillane fans could do Spillane and still
do the monthly book,  the same with Chandler, etc...)<<

Sounds like a workable option to me. After all, some folks will already
be well-versed in the specifics of some series or groups of authors
while other readers will be relative newcomers to those or other
writers. Mr. Cyberboiled's suggestion allows a balance. As does the idea
of reading the short stories in an anthology instead of working through
>entire novels.--Duane
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