
Re: RARA-AVIS: Honey West.

> Whoever just asked about who Honey West was/is, there should be a
> discussion in the archives of this list. Briefly, she was a female
> private
> detective in a series of paperbacks of the late 50's-early 60's, and
> then
> in her own T.V. series which ran, I believe, '65-'66.

If I recall correctly, there's a discussion of the Honey West novels in
Bill Pronzini's GUN IN CHEEK.  From what I've heard, the HW stories
sound a lot like the Sheldon Scott novels by Richard Prather (which can
be found in almost any used book store for about $1 a piece).  They're
kind of fun, if you don't mind a lot of double entendre and
Eisenhower-era sex jokes.

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