
Re: RARA-AVIS: Fantasy

On Sun, 4 May 1997, Tosh wrote:

> >My fantasy is that I would be able to find more hardboiled writers that
> >are female to balance the great male ones.  I only know of Patricia
> >Highsmith.
> >
> Patricia Highsmith is one of the great writers of the 20th century - period!
I agree that Highsmith at her best, as in _Deep_Water_, _Cry_of_the_Owl_,
and _Tremor_of_Forgery_, is a modernist to be reckoned with.  Does anyone
have any biographical data on her, or a bibliography of interviews? She
seems to have been kinda reclusive.
 > ----------------- > Tosh Berman
> TamTam Books
> ----------------
> -
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