I just bought a TV tie-in paperback of "This Girl For Hire" which claims, on the cover, "Honey's on TV -- see her on 'Burke's Law' ABC's nighttime thriller." Other pbs I saw (in worse condition) tell the reader to watch Honey on her own show, which apparently spun off of "Burke's Law" -- Question: What (the hell) is "Burke's Law"? And why, in a cable TV world populated by so many ridiculous and unnecessary channels, is there not a Crime TV channel that would allow me to watch repeats of all these shows that were made before I was born? ---------------------------------------------------------- Michael D. Sharp, Dept. of English, University of Michigan (msharp@umich.edu) - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca