>> Michael Stone - The Low End of Nowhere (Viking) (Streeter #1) Michael is from Milwaukee originally, and originally had a career in journalism. But eventually he ended up opening his own P. I. agency in Denver. He still had the writing bug, and created the bounty hunter Streeter for what is now a four book series (two in print, #3 done, #4 under contract). I liked Low End because it was full of quirky characters doing nasty things, and had a sense of fun. Lots of action in the plot, and the lead character has depth and mystery. I can't say it is the best, because I have yet to read all the others, but I liked this book and am glad it got nominated. - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca