hi james- could you send me a copy also? thanks,marla >Hi Richard, >I can send you a hardcopy if you like. I had a complete set last >year. (It's been sold). Also, there was a checklist done in Books Are >Everything magazine (defunct). I don't know of anywhere on the web. >regards, >James >> >> I buy ever Black Lizard I can find that the used bookstores. Does anyone >> know if there is a complete list of all their publications somewhere on >> the Web? Thanks. __________ | | jeeprn@jorsm.com |______(* _| marla stegall /\__----__/\ /_/ ()||||() \_\ |_\ o||||o /_| |----JeeP----| |_| |_| - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to majordomo@icomm.ca