
RE: RARA-AVIS: Share your fantasy...

Finding Hamilton (or most Gold Medal series, for that matter) isn't
overly difficult here in Louisville--Fawcett used to have a printing
plant here, and there are lots of used copies floating around,
particularly of the Sam Durrell series by Edward S. Aarons. Very, very
few of them are in excellent condition, but there are usually plenty to
choose from.--Duane
>From:   Julie Robinson[SMTP:u30403@mwd.dst.ca.us]
>Sent:   Wednesday, April 30, 1997 10:19 AM
>To:     rara-avis@icomm.ca
>Subject:    Re: RARA-AVIS: Share your fantasy...
>. . . Hamilton is difficult to find anywhere.  
>Julie Robinson> 
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