
Re: RARA-AVIS: Long-Unseen Goodbye

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Spurlock, Duane wrote:

> Bill Hagen (billha@ionet.net) wrote:
> >>In fact, I half agree with them with regard to THE LONG GOODBYE.
> >>Liked Robert Altman's movie ending better than Chandler's.
> I've heard about this "legendary" movie for years but have never seen
> it. Is it available on video?--Duane
  Yep.  I paid $18 for the tape at a store called MediaPlay--you may have
a branch in your area.  My favorite aspect of it is screenwriter Leigh
Brackett's snappy dialogue, reminiscent of what she wrote for
_The_Big_Sleep_ two decades earlier, but transported to a postmodern
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