BaxDeal said, "Likewise Jim Thompson has undergone a critical resurgence owing in no small part to Hollywood's rediscovery of him. He's done some good work, but a lot of hack stuff. For my money, he's similar to, but not nearly as good as James M. Cain. DOUBLE INDEMNITY and THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE were both written in the same year and stand as templates for the modern noir tale." My agent, the venerable Al Hart, who in another age was Ian Fleming's editor, roomed at Princeton with Jim Thomson's younger brother, and worked intermittently with JT after his graduation on various projects. According to Al, JT was bedeviled by financial problems as well as booze. He would meticulously craft the first hundred pages of a story, submit it to the publisher, get an advance, then try to finish the book as quickly as possible and get to work on another story before the advance ran out. This, I think, might be one of the reasons for the sometimes inconsistent quality of his books. BaxDeal's conclusion, however, which dismisses Thomson in favor of Cain, both as writer and influence on the modern noir tale, needs countering. Although Thomson was not as consistent as Cain, his best novels certainly stand as high in the canon as Cain's, and his blend of dark humor, suspense and sexual perversion has influenced Ellroy among others, though his sensibility is perhaps best reflected in film-makers like David Lynch, Quentin Tarrentino and the Coen brothers. I recently re-read THE KILLER INSIDE ME back to back with a stunning little first person noir narrative by Nabokov, DESPAIR. THE KILLER INSIDE ME didn't suffer much in comparison - cruder, certainly, but more harrowing. And before Hollywood rediscovered him, he was lionized by the French, as witnessed by the film, "Coup de Torchon," though Etienne Borgers might know more about this. I also recall that Ellroy wrote about Thomson in a few of the introductions to the Black Lizard reissues, though here in Prague, I can't seize upon the books and document this as fact. Regarding the assertion that AMERICAN TABLOID is the greatest crime novel ever written, well, that's another opinion and another post. Robert M. Eversz SHOOTING ELVIS US & International Publishing Information: <> - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to