
RARA-AVIS: A couple of new story lists

I did a little more typing tonight and put up a list of recommend
reading from Ron Goulart's anthology _The Hardboiled Dicks_, and also
started a list of stories in the various anthologies I have.  Thanks
to the people who listed what's in Pronzini and Adrian's collection,
that's there too.  I find these lists useful in seeing what new (to
me) authors I should look for.  Goulart recommends Robert Reeves,
which is a name I've never heard before.  He says his "novels are fine
examples of the screwball side of the hardboiled school."

I think my favourite title of all the stories is "You Slay Me, Baby,"
by Frederick Davis, but "I'll Slay You in My Dreams" by Bruno Fischer
is a close second.

If you slap a "rara-avis/biblio/" onto my URL below, you'll get to the
page where these are.


   William Denton : Toronto, Canada : buff@vex.net : Caveat lector.

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