
RARA-AVIS: Hammett & Faulkner

On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, "WILLIAM D. BARRY" <BARRYWD@GWSMTP.NU.COM> wrote: 

>Since Hemingway has been broached, why not Faulkner?  The De Spain
>reminded me of one of the families in Yoknapataphwa(?)  County.  Faulkner
>worked on the screenplay for Big Sleep. Did these two ever meet?    I will
>to start reading  these biographies everyone keeps mentioning.

I don't know if Faulkner ever met Hemingway, but Faulkner and Hammett were
on drinking terms.  There's a great anecdote in several of the Hammett bios
(I can't remember who tells it best -- probably Nolan, *Life At The Edge*)
Hammett took Faulkner along (both uninvited) to a dinner party at the
Knopf's.  Both were rather the worse for wear, and not dressed for a formal
'do'.  The story ends with Hammett collapsing on the floor and Faulkner,
trying to help him up, passing out on top of him.  

Eddie Duggan   
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