Yes, Tosh, I am actually stunned at how good Iceberg Slim's writing is. It's the kind of writing that at times has made me literally stop and think, "wow." *Mama Black Widow* started great, lulled, and now it's just blazing. I love it (I'm half-way done). I'll look in *Pimp* for a definition of "foreskin" as slang: I saw a copy in a local used bookstore. I think Holloway House has recently reprinted all his stuff. Thanks, Michael ====================== ================================= Michael D. Sharp "And trewely he were a greet fool that wolde kisse the mouth of a Department of English brennynge oven or of a fourneys." University of Michigan --The Parson On Thu, 23 Jan 1997, Tosh wrote: > >Thanks to you Slang Dictionary owners for the "frogskin" definitions. I > >have this eerie feelins that "foreskin" was either a really bad typo (for > >"frogskin," again), or else entirely made-up. > > > > There is a glossery of terms in Iceberg's PIMP. Right now,I don't have the > book. I don't think it is a typo. > > Oh, by the way, I think Iceberg Slim is a fantastic writer. > > Tosh Berman > TamTam Books > > > - > # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" > # to > - # RARA-AVIS: To unsubscribe, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" # to